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Friday October 12 2018
6.00 - 7.00 pm
Aula Seminari (sixth floor)
IULM University
Via Carlo Bo 1
20143, Milano
Free entry

IULM University is proud to present the projects developed by the graduating students of the M.A. in Game Design, a new generation of game designers.

MILAN, ITALY - Friday October 12, 2018, from 6 pm, IULM University will host the first edition of GAME SHOW, an event open to the public showcasing the projects developed by the students of the Master of Arts in Game Design throughout the 2017-2018 academic year. During the ceremony, students will be handed their diplomas. GAME SHOW will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the IULM University, in English.

Ranging from advanced video games to interactive experiences situated at the intersection of  design, storytelling and simulation, the works display a high level of ingenuity, creativity, and diversity. The line-up features:

Can’t You See It? di Laura Carrera

HackTheCube di Gemma Fantacci

Half-True di Eduardo Tassi

Heritage di Alessandro Colantonio e Francesco Montibello

Horses di Andrea Lucco Borlera

Paradise Valley di Stefano Pedrocchi

Sketched Out di Giacomo Pettinato

Unwhole di Petar Mavroviev

Directed by Prof. Gianni Canova and coordinated by Dr. Dott. Matteo Bittanti, the Master of Arts in Game Design debuted in November 2017. The Second edition will start on November 13 2018. Applications will be considered until October 19, 2018.

A unique program in Europe, the Master of Arts in Game Design is a groundbreaking one-year, full-time, English-only, studio-based Master of Arts (M.A.) program located in the center of Milan, Italy's most vibrant city. Designed for students interested in creating innovative games and interactive experiences, this Program will lead graduates to advanced work in game design and new media production. The Faculty features some of the most talented designers, scholars, and authors working today who are highly committed to their research, practice, and teaching.


Matteo Bittanti (Coordinator, Master of Arts in Game Design)

Debora Rigato (Director, IULM Communication)

Alessia Scordo (Managing Director, Scuola di Comunicazione IULM)

Venerdì 12 ottobre 2018
Dalle ore 18.00 alle ore 19.00
IULM Aula Seminari (sesto piano)
Via Carlo Bo 1
20143, Milano
Ingresso gratuito

L’Università IULM celebra le opere interattive realizzate da una nuova generazione di game designers, i primi diplomati del Master of Arts in Game Design.

MILANO - Venerdì 12 ottobre dalle ore 18.00 presso l’Aula Seminari dell'Università IULM si terrà GAME SHOW, un evento aperto al pubblico nel quale saranno presentati i progetti realizzati dagli studenti del Master of Arts in Game Design nell’anno accademico 2017-2018. Durante la cerimonia verranno inoltre consegnati i diplomi. GAME SHOW verrà trasmesso in diretta streaming sul canale YouTube dell’Università IULM, in inglese.

Le opere presentate - che spaziano da sofisticati videogiochi ad esperienze interattive in bilico tra arte, design, narrazione e simulazione - dimostrano un notevole livello di inegnosità, creatività e diversità. Line-up:

Can’t You See It? di Laura Carrera

HackTheCube di Gemma Fantacci

Half-True di Eduardo Tassi

Heritage di Alessandro Colantonio e Francesco Montibello

Horses di Andrea Lucco Borlera

Paradise Valley di Stefano Pedrocchi

Sketched Out di Giacomo Pettinato

Unwhole di Petar Mavroviev

Diretto dal Prof. Gianni Canova e coordinato dal Dott. Matteo Bittanti, il Master of Arts in Game Design è stato inaugurato nel novembre 2017. La seconda edizione avrà inizio il 13 novembre 2018. Le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 19 ottobre 2018.

Unico nel suo genere in Europa, il Master of Arts in Game Design è indirizzato a studenti desiderosi di creare esperienze ludiche e interattive di altissimo livello, capaci di comunicare idee ed emozioni profonde attraverso il gameplay. Il programma offre nove moduli tenuti da sviluppatori di videogiochi professionisti, designer, artisti e accademici di fama internazionale. Il Master Universitario di Primo Livello dell’Università IULM fornisce tutti gli strumenti necessari per intraprendere una carriera specialistica nel settore videoludico.


Matteo Bittanti (Coordinatore, Master of Arts in Game Design)

Debora Rigato (Responsabile, IULM Communication)

Alessia Scordo (Responsabile, Scuola di Comunicazione IULM)





Mercoledì 19 settembre 2018 sveleremo il programma completo del Master of Arts in Game Design 2018-2019. La presentazione avrà luogo in Aula Seminari (IULM 1, sesto piano) dalle 11.30 alle 12.00.

La presentazione è gratuita e aperta al pubblico.

Vi aspettiamo!

L'evento sarà trasmesso in diretta streaming sul canale YouTube dell'Università IULM.

Come arrivare in IULM



On Wednesday September 19 2018 we will officially unveil the full program of the Master of Arts in Game Design 2018-2019. The presentation will take place in Aula Seminari (IULM 1), from 11.30 to 12.00 am.

The event is free and open to the public.

See you there!

The presentation will be live streamed on IULM's YouTube channel. 

How to reach IULM


Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at 1.58.21 PM.png




Il Master of Arts in Game Design della IULM offre 5 Premi di Studio che ammontano a €4000.

I premi saranno assegnati sulla base della valutazione dei docenti al termine degli studi agli studenti che avranno ottenuto il migliore rendimento.

I Premi di Studio coprono all'incirca il 50% dei costi delle tasse (per gli studenti Italiani ed EU), ma non prevedono la copertura delle spese di vitto e alloggio e di viaggio.

Possono vincere un Premio di Studio gli studenti regolarmente iscritti al Master of Arts in Game Design (2018-2019) secondo i termini previsti e le modalità di pagamento delle rate indicate.

I Premi di Studio sono rivolti a studenti italiani, appartenenti alla comunità europea ed extra-EU.

La pubblicazione delle graduatorie sarà comunicata il 15 luglio 2019.

Per ulteriori informazioni, cliccate qui.

The M.A. program in Game Design at IULM University is offering 5 PRIZES each amounting to €4000.

The prizes will be awarded to the best students based on an evaluation of their performance throughout the year by the entire Faculty. 

Each prize covers approximately half of the overall tuition fees (for Italian and EU students). Meals, accommodation, and travel expenses are not included.

To be eligible for a prize, students must be properly enrolled in the 2018-2019 M.A. in Game Design at IULM University, in good academic standing, and with tuition fees paid in full.

These prizes are available to all enrolled students, that is, Italian, EU-, and extra-EU students.

The awarded students will be notified on July 15, 2019.

For more information, click here.




Scuola di Comunicazione IULM mette a disposizione una serie di premi studio a copertura totale o parziale dell’intero importo dei Master Universitari ed Executive erogati presso la sede di Milano e Roma. Il premio sarà sempre un compenso economico a copertura totale o parziale del percorso formativo e potrà essere conferito solo agli studenti iscritti.

L’ampia offerta formativa comprende percorsi dedicati a laureati che intendono completare il proprio percorso di studi e a professionisti che desiderano aggiornare le proprie competenze.

I master prevedono stage, project work e study tour, partecipazione ad eventi in Italia e all’estero finalizzati ad accelerare la tua crescita personale e professionale.

Scuola di Comunicazione IULM vanta una faculty di livello internazionale ed una percentuale di placement dopo gli studi del 70%.

Compila il form e sarai contattato dallo staff di Scuola di Comunicazione IULM che ti fornirà tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno.



On July 20, 2018, the students of the 1st Edition of the Master of Arts in Game Design presented their final projects to their peers and faculty. It was a showcase of sheer creativity, ingenuity, and craft.

The finished projects will be presented to the general public at GAME SHOW on Friday October 12, 2016 at IULM University between 6 and 7.30 pm.

Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more!

More photos here.



Matteo Bittanti, Pietro Righi Riva and Paolo Tajè introduce the Master of Arts in Game Design, now in its second edition (Academic Year 2018-2019).

If you dream of becoming a game designer, this is the program for you!

The presentation is in Italian.

Matteo Bittanti, Pietro Righi Riva e Paolo Tajè introducono il Master of Arts in Game Design della IULM, giunto alla seconda edizione (Anno Accademico 2018-2019).

Se il tuo sogno è diventare un game designer, questo è il Programma che fa per te!

La presentazione è in italiano



Master of Arts in Game Design
IULM University
June 27, 2018



Designers have to tell in advance how gamers will comprehend, feel and interact with their games in order to craft successful gaming experiences and avoid frustration, doubts or uncertainty. And since user testing is a powerful tool to verify designers' intents and predictions, Games User Research is a powerful ally. In this workshop, I will show how the science of user testing made your favorite games perfect and I will provide attendees with takeaways they can use to improve their own projects.

Short Bio

Pietro Guardini is an independent Games User Researcher with a PhD in Experimental Psychology and 19 years of research experience. He started doing research on Human-Computer Interaction in 1999 in the academy and later he entered the gaming industry by introducing User Research activity in Milestone – the major videogame studio in Italy – and by supporting Management, Design and Marketing departments with research and testing on 20+ published titles. More recently he founded and today he assists several studios in developing their best gaming experience. He had the pleasure to present his work in several publications and talks, including the Game Developers Conference.


More photos here



JUNE 20 2018/20 GIUGNO 2018

Aula seminari

Università IULM (IULM 1)

Via Carlo Bo, 1

20143 Milan




In this talk, members of the collective AAA (Merle Leufgen, Gabriel Helfenstein, Troy Duguid, Chloe Langford, Jessica Palmer) will present their work and reflect on their collaborative practices which intent to propose an alternative to the often accepted thinking that the way we live and organize society is the only possible way. The aim of the talk will be to show how games and collaborative exchange in game development can help break the inertia resulting from the perceived lack of possibles disrupting the current status quo - in our everyday lives as well as in the production of art.

Active in Berlin, the AAA Collective comprises artists, designers, and creators from all over the world. Its founding members are Merle Leufgen, a software artist, curator and independent researcher, Gabriel Helfenstein, a French transmedia artist, curator, and writer, Troy Duguid, and Australian artist working with game engines, and Jessica Palmer, a Canadian multimedia artist interested in neuroscience. For more information about AAA Collective, please click here.



JUNE 6 2018/6 GIUGNO 2018

Aula seminari

Università IULM (IULM 1)

Via Carlo Bo, 1

20143 Milan



Pietro Polsinelli discusses a diverse set of applied game projects that he curated, focusing on common mistakes and solutions that are specific to the applied game process, in particular working with field experts that have no experience with games. The talks will consider the (no)estimation, concept, design and production phases/loops, providing tips, modelling and conceptual tools to improve the quality of the process and of the resulting game.

Pietro Polsinelli is a game designer and developer, mostly working on applied games. Polsinelli has developed games for companies, public institutions, museums, and research centres on a wide spectrum of topics, from the safety of offshore platforms to family neglect and abuse prevention. Polsinelli has been developing software for more than 30 years and applied games since 2010. For more information, click here. 



Pietro Polsinelli presenta una vasta gamma di progetti videoludici che ha personalmente curato, soffermandosi sugli errori e le soluzioni specifiche al processo di gioco applicato, lavorando con esperti sul campo che spesso non hanno alcuna esperienza nel settore del videogioco. La presentazione descrive le fasi di (s)preventivo, ideazione, progettazione e produzione, fornendo strumenti concettuali e pratici per migliorare la qualità del processo e del videogioco risultante. 

Pietro Polsinelli è un game designer e sviluppatore, impegnato soprattutto sui giochi applicati. Polsinelli ha sviluppato videogiochi per numerose aziende, istituzioni pubbliche, musei e centri di ricerca su temi eclettici e diversificati, dalla sicurezza delle piattaforme offshore alla prevenzione degli abusi familiari. Polsinelli sviluppa software da oltre trent'anni e giochi applicati dal 2010. Per ulteriori informazioni, cliccate qui.  



In this talk titled "Influencer Marketing. Video Games and eSports" organized for the students of the Master in Marketing and Sports Communication and Master of Arts in Game Design at IULM, Antonio Iodice gave an in-depth overview of the new modes of production associated with Content Creators on YouTube and Twitch. Focusing on the so-called "anomaly of the Italian scene", Iodice discussed the rise of branded content and product placement on YouTube, the evolution of the agency model for YouTube celebrities, and the parasitical relationship between game publishers and Content Creators. 

Antonio Iodice was one of the editors of where he worked between 2002 to 2015. In 2013, he became marketing manager of Between 2015 and 2018, Iodice worked for Web Stars Channel, Italy's key web agency that signed, among others, Favij and the Mates. At Web Stars Channel, Iodice was Head of Gaming, Movies and Tech as well as a Commercial Coordinator. He was also the show-runner for a show on Sky One, produced a pop-up channel for Sky Atlantic and played the role of General Manager for the production of two documentaries broadcast by Sky Atlantic on eSports and cosplay.

In questa lezione tenuta per gli studenti del Master in Marketing e Comunicazione Sportiva e Master of Arts in Game Design intitolata "Influencer Marketing. Video Games and eSports", Antonio Iodice illustra l'evoluzione dei content creator italiani su YouTube e Twitch.

Evoluzione comunicazione dalla comunicazione sulla stampa agli YouTuber;
Dalla passione al lavoro: analisi sul perché tanti dei media creator più famosi siano legati al mondo del gaming - evoluzione YouTuber - Content Creator - breve analisi dei mezzi e piattaformeIl linguaggio degli YouTuber e passaggio del target dalla TV a YouTube (come la tv stia provando a ricatturare il target perduto coinvolgendo i creator nei programmi per teen/tween/millennials)
Importanza del target nella selezione dei creator - regole per approccio, scelta del creator e rapporto con le agenzie (evoluzione del modello della web agency)

L'anomalia del mercato Italiano per il gaming/intrattenimento;
Branded Content, product placement, quali aziende e come.

Case History legate al gaming e oltre. Il problema della conversione. Creators al cinema con anche i recenti casi di Tonno Spiaggiato e Jackal-
Introduzione del mondo eSports e dei Twitcher. Differenze del mezzo e della figura rispetto ai creator. Difficoltà legate all'anomalia del mercato Italiano di cui sopra.

Modello di business e problematiche per le aziende che vogliono investire sul settore. Ruolo delle agenzie di Management ed economie. 


Antonio Iodice è stato uno dei caporedattori di dal  2002 al 2015, dal 2006 advertising e poi, dal 2013, marketing manager di Dal 2015 è passato nelle fila di Web Stars Channel, l'agenzia nelle cui fila militano talenti come Favij e i Mates dove ah svolto il ruolo di Head of Gaming, Movies e Tech oltre che di coordinatore commerciale. In questa veste, Iodice ha seguito due stagioni di una trasmissione tv per Sky Uno, il lancio di un pop up channel per Sky Atlantic e ha svolto il ruolo di curatore generale per la realizzazione di due documentari sempre su Sky Atlantic sul tema dell'esports e cosplay.




Today, Affinity Project's Creative Director Diego Ricchiuti and Gameplay Programmer Carlo Simetti gave a lecture for the students of the Master of Arts in Game Design. Based in Bergamo, Italy, Affinity Project is currently developing the "first ever donation game". Due for a Fall 2018 release, Don-Ay is an endless runner in which players guide cartoon animal characters through courses littered with hurdles, obstacles, and hazards, with a Tamagotchi-style mode allowing them to nurture for and customize their creature. The more the players engage with the game, the more they can raise money for charity through non-invasive, disruptive ways.

Affinity project, Don-Ay, 2018 (expected)

Affinity project, Don-Ay, 2018 (expected)

In the second part of the workshop, Diego and Carlo provided great feedback to the students who are now in crunch mode - their final projects are due by the end of July. Before launching Affinity Project, Diego worked at Techland and Ubisoft. Affinity Project was founded by Ivan Paris and now features a team of 10+ members. Their HQ is located in Bergamo.





JUNE 20 2018/20 GIUGNO 2018

Aula seminari

Università IULM (IULM 1)

Via Carlo Bo, 1

20143 Milan





In this talk, members of the collective AAA (Merle Leufgen, Gabriel Helfenstein, Troy Duguid, Chloe Langford, Jessica Palmer) will present their work and reflect on their collaborative practices which intent to propose an alternative to the often accepted thinking that the way we live and organize society is the only possible way. The aim of the talk will be to show how games and collaborative exchange in game development can help break the inertia resulting from the perceived lack of possibles disrupting the current status quo - in our everyday lives as well as in the production of art.

Active in Berlin, the AAA Collective comprises artists, designers, and creators from all over the world. Its founding members are Merle Leufgen, a software artist, curator and independent researcher, Gabriel Helfenstein, a French transmedia artist, curator, and writer, Troy Duguid, and Australian artist working with game engines, and Jessica Palmer, a Canadian multimedia artist interested in neuroscience. For more information about AAA Collective, please click here.


Merle Leufgen (*1991) is a software artist, curator and independent researcher. Merle co-hosts and co-curates ąяţǥąʍ€$ Berlin, a bi-monthly event that strives to foster the application of digital technologies such as 3D graphics software and game engines in artistic contexts. She employs videogame and web technology, computer graphics and various internet platforms. Her current work explores non-human intelligence, ecology and emergent behaviours. She lives and works in Berlin.


Gabriel Helfenstein is a French transmedia artist and writer living in Berlin. His work ranges from experimental video games to hypertextual web-based fiction. He has curated several new media art festivals across Europe. His current work deals with the interactions between the organisations of neoliberal power and the human body.


Troy Duguid (born 1990, Australia) is an artist working with game engines.  Graduating from Queensland College of Art with a Bachelor of Animation with Honors, Troy’s early work were animated films, however as Troy discovered their work to be largely experienced online they found themselves dissatisfied with the replication of established analogue mediums. After graduating Troy began research into real-time graphics and interactivity for possibilities to create experiences accepting the unique characteristics and aesthetics of the digital medium, teaching themselves programming and computer graphics. In late 2015 Troy began ąяţǥąʍ€$ (which they now co-host and co-curate), a bi-monthly event exploring computer graphics and videogames as performative real-time art. His current work explores synthesis of audio/visual/interface to create expressive systems, input transforming a user’s subconscious bias into a performative instrument. Software as a malleable language in which the artist, the user and the audience all take part. Troy has exhibited work in Berlin and Moscow. He currently lives in Berlin.


Jessica Palmer is a Canadian living in Berlin. Her work ranges from interactive works created in game engines and performance software, to oil and watercolor paintings. Graduating from Sheridan Technical Institute, she has a degree in Illustration. She worked for 4 years as an illustrator and animator in Toronto, before changing course to interactive works using brainwave sensors, Unity Engine and TouchDesigner. She works in the experimental neurology department of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, creating neurogames & art installations controlled by the players' brainwaves. Jessica is inspired by neuroimaging technologies, brain computer interfaces, atmospheric horror games (no gore, plz), non-euclidean spaces, impossible collective experiences facilitated via technologies, internet grave digging, and doing no harm.




JUNE 6 2018/6 GIUGNO 2018

Aula seminari

Università IULM (IULM 1)

Via Carlo Bo, 1

20143 Milan




Pietro Polsinelli presenta una vasta gamma di progetti videoludici che ha personalmente curato, soffermandosi sugli errori e le soluzioni specifiche al processo di gioco applicato, lavorando con esperti sul campo che spesso non hanno alcuna esperienza nel settore del videogioco. La presentazione descrive le fasi di (s)preventivo, ideazione, progettazione e produzione, fornendo strumenti concettuali e pratici per migliorare la qualità del processo e del videogioco risultante. 

Pietro Polsinelli è un game designer e sviluppatore, impegnato soprattutto sui giochi applicati. Polsinelli ha sviluppato videogiochi per numerose aziende, istituzioni pubbliche, musei e centri di ricerca su temi eclettici e diversificati, dalla sicurezza delle piattaforme offshore alla prevenzione degli abusi familiari. Polsinelli sviluppa software da oltre trent'anni e giochi applicati dal 2010. Per ulteriori informazioni, cliccate qui.  





Pietro Polsinelli discusses a diverse set of applied game projects that he curated, focusing on common mistakes and solutions that are specific to the applied game process, in particular working with field experts that have no experience with games. The talks will consider the (no)estimation, concept, design and production phases/loops, providing tips, modelling and conceptual tools to improve the quality of the process and of the resulting game.

Pietro Polsinelli is a game designer and developer, mostly working on applied games. Polsinelli has developed games for companies, public institutions, museums, and research centres on a wide spectrum of topics, from the safety of offshore platforms to family neglect and abuse prevention. Polsinelli has been developing software for more than 30 years and applied games since 2010. For more information, click here.