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Filtering by Tag: online festival



The 2020 edition of LudoNarraCon, a digital-only festival featuring narrative games developed by indie developers that will be available through Steam, is about to begin. The online event will showcase 40 game exhibitors and feature over 20 playable demos and 10 panels of game development discussions focusing on techniques, styles, and postmortems. Games on display include Sam Barlow’s Telling Lies, the sequel to cyberpunk bartender game VA-11 Hall-A, Kitfox’s unclassifiable Boyfriend Dungeon, Zachtronics’ Eliza, Apple Arcades’s killer apps like Neo Cab and Die Gute Fabric’s Mutazione, but also text-based horror game Beyond the Veil and cyberpunk point-and-click adventure Chinatown Detective Agency. All the streams for the event will go live at launch whereas panels will take place at different times during the entire weekend — and will be looped throughout LudoNarraCon’s duration.

For more information, visit LudoNarraCon website.