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Nato e cresciuto in Ucraina, Konstantyn Fedorov si è trasferito in Italia per studiare pubblicità alla Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA). In precedenza, ha ottenuto una Laurea in psicologia presso la Taras Shevchenko National University di Kiev. È presidente e fondatore di Yellow Dwarf’s Games, uno studio indie, nonché fondatore di Quantum Future Lab, che organizza eventi legati alla cultura videoludica. A Milano ha lavorato presso Forge Reply come Junior Game Design.

Konstantyn Fedorov was born in Ukraine and moved to Italy to study Advertising at the New Academy of Fine Arts (NABA). He previously received his B.A. in Psychology from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. He is the CEO and Founder of Yellow Dwarf’s Games, a small indie studio, and the co-founder or Quantum Future Lab, which organized game-related events. In Milan, Kostiantyn was an intern at Forge Reply where he worked as a Junior Game Designer.

Final project: TBD (2019-2020)